ELO rankings

Discipline-specific player rankings, determined by our ELO rating system for the success-based evaluation of the playing strength of players.

Overall rankings of all disciplines & Co:

Current Three Cushion ELO ranking

[16 Sep 2024, 3C Home Tour Infinity Series tournament #6]

Detailed calculation of ranking points & archive (PDF)

Rank Player Points Change Wins Draws Losses
1 Efler, Andreas (AT) 5539 -152 51 0 5
2 Röstel, Norbert (DE) 5409 --- 10 1 2
3 Canturk, Kenan (CH) 5357 --- 9 0 3
4 Schmied, Georg (AT) 5299 +259 37 1 18
5 Ibraimov, Amir (DE) 5288 --- 6 0 1
6 Gajs, Zoran (AT) 5221 +320 25 2 26
7 Müller, Manfred (AT) 5207 --- 7 1 4
8 Augenstein, Max (DE) 5124 -83 12 1 8
9 Weiss, Alexander (AT) 5100 --- 9 0 8
10 Truong, Tay-Dien (DE) 5040 -147 23 4 17
11 Bachmaier, Roman (DE) 4979 -253 18 1 20
12 Abraham, Klaus-Dieter (DE) 4913 --- 5 0 8
13 Wirgs, Markus (DE) 4841 --- 12 1 15
14 Volger, Pirmin (AT) 4797 --- 2 0 7
15 Dmitriev, Ivan (DE) 4756 -13 8 0 31
16 Riml, Jimmy (AT) 4600 -16 21 0 36
17 Al-Mamar, Natascha (AT) 4452 --- 2 0 22
--- Saska, Harald (AT) 4950 --- 5 0 6
--- Çay, Cemal (DE) 4923 --- 1 0 5
--- Bengtsson, Kim (DK) 4650 --- 2 0 9
--- Nordmann, Friedrich (AT) 4555 --- 2 0 16

Current Five Pins ELO ranking

[16 Sep 2024, 5P Home Tour Infinity Series tournament #6]

Detailed calculation of ranking points & archive (PDF)

Rank Player Points Change Wins Draws Losses
1 Monteforte, Aniello (DE) 5397 --- 15 0 2
2 Driessen, Ernst-Jan (NL) 5256 -157 33 0 7
3 Innarella, Gerardo (CH) 5208 +73 14 0 8
4 Riml, Jimmy (AT) 5185 +48 32 0 14
5 Driessen, Ernest (PL) 5105 +374 26 0 17
6 Driessen, Jeroen (PL) 5038 +152 7 0 7
7 Antonazzo, Cosimo (CH) 4834 -153 11 0 25
8 Tschander, Andreas (CH) 4663 -179 14 0 31
9 Parasiliti, Sergio (AT) 4645 -246 10 0 27
10 Ofner, Frank (AT) 4639 +88 6 0 34
11 Steiner, Ernesto (CH) 4546 --- 1 0 14
--- Garavaglia, Luca Marzio (IT) 5315 --- 12 0 1
--- Gorgoni, Antonio (CH) 5169 --- 12 0 6

ELO regulations & info

ELO ranking regulations & calculation (v7 / 16.09.2024, PDF, English)

ELO Ranking Reglement & Berechnung (v7 / 16.09.2024, PDF, Deutsch)

ELO bonus pots

According to the regulations, starting with the completed tournaments Three Cushion Home Tour #7, Five Pins Home Tour #7, One Cushion Home Tour #1 and Balkline 47/2 Home Tour #1.