Local times of our locations: @ DE, AT, IT, CH, NL, PL | @ KR
Locations, worldwide: 24 (23 in Europe, 1 in Asia)
Locations, countries: Germany (9) | Austria (6) | Italy (3) | Poland (2) | Switzerland (2) | Netherlands (1) | South Korea (1)
Locations, connections: 276 (different connection options location-to-location in the entire location network)
Our locations are venues with MWS systems. 24 locations worldwide are currently spread over 2 continents, 7 countries and 21 cities / places. About 300 players who currently have access to a system in their own club form the MWS community. Most of our locations are billiard clubs, which are open to the public. Information about opening hours & co can be found on the websites of the locations.
In our location network currently 276 different combinations of two locations are possible. Figuratively MWS acts as a main station, through which each location can connect to any other location. What is known as a public transport network map, conforms at MWS the combination possibilities of two locations resp. the connections to unique location pairs. Our means of transport, with which one can travel virtually from location A (station A) via MWS (central station) to location B (station B), is neither train nor plane - but the Internet.
- Berlin | Billard Akademie Berlin International, Mariendorfer Damm 64 | http://www.billardakademie.de
- Berlin | Norbert Röstel, private location
- Bottrop | Billard Center Weywiesen 24/09, In den Weywiesen 86 | http://www.bcweywiesen.com
- Erlangen | Allgemeiner Turn- und Sportverein Erlangen, Paul-Gossen-Straße 58 | http://www.atsv-erlangen.de
- Essen | Martin Horn, private location | http://www.martin-horn.com
- Munich | Billard Carambol Club München, Gotthardstraße 87 | http://www.billardclub-muenchen.de
- Pforzheim | Billard-Freunde Pforzheim, Kronprinzenstraße 27 | https://www.billard-freunde-pforzheim.de
- Regensburg | Billard Club Regensburg, Schottenstraße 4 | https://www.billardclub-regensburg.de
- Stuttgart | Billard Club Stuttgart, Dornbirner Straße 11 | https://www.billard-stuttgart.de
- Baden | Erster Badener Billardsportclub / Patrick André, Waltersdorferstraße 40 | https://www.carambol-baden.at
- Hinterbrühl | Andreas Efler, private location | https://www.efler-billard.com
- Innsbruck (double location with 2 systems) | Billard Sport Arena Innsbruck, Kranebitter Allee 96 | https://www.billardsportarena.com
- Rosenburg-Mold | Georg Schmied, private location
- Vienna | Billard Club Elite Wien, Schönburgstraße 38/3 | http://www.billardclub-elite.at
- Bolzano | Marco Zanetti, private location | http://www.marcozanetti3c.com
- Corteolona e Genzone | CSB Olona 96, Via Olona 5 | http://www.csbolona96.com
- Schio | Primo Acchito, Viale Tito Livio 23 | https://www.primo-acchito.it
- Komorow | Jeroen Driessen, private location
- Turek | Ernst Driessen, private location
- Basel | Basler Billard Club, Holbeinstrasse 75 | http://www.billard-bbc.ch
- Zurich / Dübendorf | Round Robin Snooker & Billards Club, Im Schossacher 21 | https://roundrobin.ch
- Helmond | Ernst-Jan Driessen, private location